Scooped by the New York Times


I was researching and preparing a post about gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, but today’s New York Times has a great article that says just about everything I was going to say.  Check it out.

At the last two big dietitian conferences I’ve been to, there have been hundreds of companies marketing gluten-free this and gluten-free that.  Celiac disease diagnoses are on the rise, and everyone knows someone who is gluten-free either because of celiac or autism spectrum disorder or any number of other reasons.  Knowing people who have true wheat and gluten allergies, this proliferation of gluten-free products definitely makes their lives easier, but it’s not necessary for everyone.  I appreciate that the journalist makes clear that a gluten-free diet is not necessarily healthier, especially if you don’t have a gluten-sensitivity or celiac disease.  The journalist also highlights research that makes a pretty compelling case for a true gluten sensitivity.  It isn’t all in my head. 

As for my own gluten-free experiment, I confess to having half of a grilled cheese sandwich on Saturday (and a small glass of wine — oops!), so it’s only been 3 days of “clean” living for me so far.  I haven’t noticed any changes yet.  February is a pretty hard month to give up wheat and alcohol.  I was probably the only person in American not drinking beer while watching Beyonce and that little football game on Sunday.  Then there are the Oscars drinking games.  Valentines Day.  Holiday weekend away with friends.  You get the idea.  I haven’t figured out what to do about my youngest daughter’s birthday, which is at the end of the  month, either.  She’ll want a cake of course. I’ve made wheat-free cookies, but I don’t feel ready to tackle a wheat-free birthday cake.  She’s old enough now to be more discriminating in her treats, so she’ll not be happy with a substandard substitute.

What do you think about the gluten-free movement?  Is it a trend?  Or is it another example of activists being ahead of science?  Any good gluten-free birthday cake recipes to share?