Attack of the Flu

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I think I’ve finally recovered from my third stomach flu in as many weeks.  I suspect that my most recent episode was a norovirus or Norwalk family of viruses.  According to my old microbiology texts, these single-stranded RNA viruses have a 1- to 2-day incubation period (multiplying inside your body but not yet causing symptoms), after which they cause nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting for one to three days.  That sounds about right.  I believe the New York Times more vividly described it as “projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea.”  Good times. 

Unfortunately, there is very limited immunity to norovirus and other viruses that cause gastroenteritis (a fancy term for the above-mentioned tummy unpleasantness).  What can the average person do to prevent falling victim to the epidemic of stomach or regular flu?  Wash your hands.  Wash your food.  Cover your mouth with your elbow or shirt when you sneeze.  Wash your hands.  If you have a housemate or family member with the flu, use a paper towel to turn off the sink after you Wash Your Hands.  Don’t share utensils or eat off each other’s plates.  Stay as hydrated as possible.  Wash your hands.

As with most illnesses, I like to blame everything on my kids.  Their less-than-stellar handwashing habits, exuberant hugs and kisses, and unfortunate habits of putting their hands in everything makes it all too easy for the flu to attach every family member.  I do believe that if I had been more careful about sanitizing handles, remote controls, door knobs, etc. when the youngest daughter vomited nine times during one night, I might have spared my oldest daughter, husband, and myself from this latest and worst stomach flu. 

What does this have to do with nutrition?  It’s really hard to train for a half marathon when you can’t keep food in your body and your appetite is zilch.  This is not the way that I wanted to lose 5 pounds to start the new year.  Also, kids can get dehydrated pretty quickly if they are constantly expelling their stomach contents. 

It even looks deadly, huh?